Our Services

Please see below for a selection of our core services.
If you do not see what you are looking for we may still be able to help you, just get in touch.

RICS Level 2 Home Survey

Formerly known as a Home Buyers Report, this type of pre-aquistion survey is suitable for property that appears to be in reasonable condition.

RICS Level 3 Home Survey

Formerly known as a Building Survey, and before that a Structural Survey, this type of pre-aquisition survey is more suited to older buildings, Listed buildings, and those in poor condition.

Project Management

Building projects can be complex. Full project management services can be provided.

Building Conservation

Listed buildings and older property needs to be maintained using sympathetic materials.

Party Wall

Building works on or near to boundaries may require notices and awards under the Party Wall etc Act 1996.

Planning Applications

Planning applications require supporting documentation.

Defect Diagnosis, Design & Specification

Specific defect diagnosis and remedial works.

Measured Surveys & CAD plans

Full measured surveys using laser measurers and CAD software.

Renewable Energy & Thermal Efficiency Advice

Improving the environmental footprint of a building.